I didn't think it was legal to herd animals with the chopper? If that's what made it on film imagine what was cut
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I didn't think it was legal to herd animals with the chopper? If that's what made it on film imagine what was cut
True right you can blame the guys making the most of the opportunity especially when they are a group with a large following who should be portrating hunting and hunters in general in a good light not as a bunch of trigger happy hooligans that fly round in helicopters chasing animals untill they are tired enough to shoot. There is absolutely NO sport in that. Sure there are others to blame also, the guiding company and the lawmakers for one but these guys have let themselves down, they have let down NZ as a destination for the hunting purist and they have let down the entire hunting fraternity.
I understand that these animals may be classed as noxious pests and that there is a need to control them via methods such as aerial shooting,but hunting and pest control are two entirely different things and what they did here on this video has no place within the hunting community and therefore does not belong on youtube channel of a group that should be championing the cause not hurting it. Dickheads all of them they can piss off out of NZ and never come back as far as im concerned.
Its just more of the same thing that has gone on for a long time. Most hunters would be shocked at the numbers of game animals taken by Aath in this very manner.
The huge amount of protests and dismay over Aath fell upon deaf ears over the years and continues till this day.
Doc condone this type of activity due to removing of game animals from our mountains and the government welcome the revenue bought into the country.
Use the helicopter to get there by all means but then walk and hunt as you are supposed to on foot. There was some dodge stuff going on alright and some day they will come unglued and an accident will happen.
Until policies change it will continue.
Just like prostitution, quasi legal but not what I'd like my country to be known for. I've written to Alpine, I seldom fly but will never give them any consideration in the future.
Cock smokers.
you have got to wonder....why didnt chopper firm net the animals and bring back and put in small holding paddock......... guess the hour or so they get to charge for flying all around looking for animals is a real good earner for them.....
if the final outcome was going to be this and the powers that be have condoned it would it be better for all concerned to just let them be shot from the chopper and be done with it?????
the other chammy wouldnt have been hazed then.....
a shit sandwitch no matter which way you slice it.
This clip gives a good idea as to what really go,s sic fucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcDMX4tQTy4
It's legal, unfortunately. Morally wrong and ethically wrong in many of our eyes. Many of us tried to have a hand in stopping it - writing submissions, emails and letters, and reducing it to occurring on private land only as a best case scenario. Unfortunately it happens a lot, I've witnessed it on tahr but not chamois, they target trophy animals, and at the end of the day money talks. DoC don't care, they clip their ticket and it all adds up to a reduction in animal populations - win win for them. There was a list of approved AATH operators floating around but I can't find it - but some of the most popular companies who fly us in as hunters do it so we're a bit hamstrung there to start naming and shaming. At the end of the day, for the heli companies it's another source of income - and from guys who want to spend money rather than us Kiwi hunters who want dropped of for the least amount of money as possible. One of the most unfortunate things I think is that AATH has the full backing of the NZPHGA, which survives solely on having these animals as a resource. So can't see much changing in the near future. The one thing going for this though, is it has been seen by a good number of hunters or people interested in hunting and looking at the comments, the vast majority are very much anti this being an acceptable way to hunt!
It's a bit of a grey one really - hazing is 'illegal' where an animal is caused unnecessary distress (how one proves that I don't know), herding is perfectly fine and animals can be 'herded' towards the shooter - unless it impedes on other users/hunters/or interferes with recreational hunters on site. Or the shooter can just shoot from a machine if they want to keep things simple...
only times I been dropped off in the mountains was with scrub bar an gears to walk out an re cut the over grown and damaged tracks, wish I could afford to be dropped off to just hunt, but she's the ol feet day in day out, not always successful but that what its all about, actually hunting.