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Gunworks ZeroPak

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  1. #1
    Member Kudu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    The old versus the new....

    This is just an observation I made the other day when I was looking at this photo and I thought about how far things have changed in only a few years.

    Leaning against the quad is my old 1960's .222. Brought for a couple hundred dollars with a stuffed barrel and stock with a little cheap scope. (Has since had a new second hand barrel and a new home made stock.) On the quad is my mates .300 Dakota. It has that many bits and bobs that I couldn't remember them all and it costs thousands and thousands, with a fancy scope worth just as much.

    We shot from just past where the quad is parked and shot a goat above the poplars way in the background at about 680 yards. Anyway once the rangefinder, kestrel weather station and palm pilot computer were checked then the shot that cost a few dollars to handload was fired, and killed the goat.

    On the way over to the goat I shot one with the .222 and shot another one next to where the quad is parked on the way back. No fancy gizmos, no fancy gun, but I still got the job done. So do we need all these fancy modern rifles? And what will our hunting weapons be like in another 50 years?? What do you reckon?

    My youngest climbing the "mountain" to look for deer.

    Tasty looking hind and yearling.

    Bloody noisy aussie invaders that live on the farm.

  2. #2
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Funny you should say that.. my fav guns are 96 and 70 yrs old.. Older I get the older I seem to be liking my guns....

  3. #3
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The Big H
    Need is a funny concept.

  4. #4
    Apparently the 2 biggest cunts on here lol Philipo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Palmy Nth
    HaHa yeah nothing wrong with getting back to old school

    In 50 years what will be hot, probably some high capacity laser with fully integrated AI interface retina fire'n'forget 10,000y gizmo,
    but what will be cool is some bloke that pull's his old granddads retro 308 with a Mk 4 on it out'a the cupboard & shoots a hydodixenmoxidumillyem beer can at 1000yards
    Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Interesting thing. I was yarning to Ex Culler the other day and the talk wondered around to rabbiting as I'm doing the block he did years ago.
    Two thing's have changed, but not by much. The bike is a four wheeler instead of a two, and now it's a 223 instead of a 222.....



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