Organizing a good 60th
I was hoping to pick all of your brains and maybe get a thread going as I have been awarded the "privilege" of organising a hunting trip for my dads 60th and desperately need ideas.. I'm not much of a hunter and though he used to hunt a lot, he hasn't for a good few years.
Currently looking to do this in the South Island as he has only really hunted in the Ureweras and central North Island. I am tossing around a couple of spots to get choppered into and spend 4 or 5 days hunting, I looked into private stations or guided hunts, but my dad being a hunter from way back and pretty stubborn probably wouldn't enjoy the feeling of knocking over animals that require no effort on his behalf... correct me if you have had better guided experiences!
He's not as fit as he used to be and I hope his vision hasn't started to go so he can actually hit the bloody things, but would be nice just to spend a week in a really cool spot even if the hunting isn't the best, I'm not much of a hunter myself so would be good to hear some of your cool trips and stories to drum up ideas and try get some semblance of a plan....
Welcome to the forum. You are in a good part of the country there so no doubt someone else local will be along to advise you.
Sounds like it might be a good Idea to get your old man along to a range to see if he can hit anything with his eyes maybe being a bit dodgy. It would be a shame to get him onto an animal if all he can see is a brown smudge.
Thanks a bunch, As much as i like to give him shit his vision cant be too bad yet as he still manages to knock off quite a few rabbits and keep his old 303 sighted in.
@veitnamcam this man is in your neck of the woods. Can you suggest somewhere that might suit?
go guided all the way.....find someone who has a hut to stay in,go and enjoy the outdoors bit and knock over an easy meat animal to take home..if you make the camping bit the main focus and the animal a bonus it will be a success..put all the focus on animal and it could turn to custard.
it will cost you quite a bit of dosh..but as the roar/rut is over you never know your luck..ring around and see whats out there.
Puhi Peaks Kiakoura.
Ask for Murray Taylor to guide.
This was Murrays number... hopefully still the same. 033197993
If you are not keen on the guided option but still keen on a fly-in.
I would recomend giving Rob at Murchison Heli a call. He should be able to land you in an area where there are some animals [emoji106]
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You could also consider a private charter boat. Theres a couple that cruise Fiordland. Warm bed at night, showers and crayfish etc to eat. Most of them can drop you off for a hunt etc. Bonus if you've got a diver or two. Maybe you want it [60th] in Nelson.
Guided option in Murchison. Doughboy safaris I think.
Thanks everybody who helped with this. I have been the winner in this with a fantastic trip recently to Puhi Peaks with Murray as the guide as suggested. Little bugger of a son stitched me into this and it was awesome. It was quite a while ago that I had been hunting and was rusty as hell but Murray nutted out what we needed to concentrate on and set us off in some mighty countryside, managed a couple of animals and learnt even more skills.
Cheers Ian