I didn't know they'd released them in the Bay of Plenty. Weka are really good at dealing to baby rodents. Don't know if they'd go after young stoats though. I know they'll also go after eggs, ducklings and chicks, like Pukeko do, so all our baby poultry live in small gauge wire netting cages/rabbit hutches until they're big enough to fight back.
Dumped cats have always been a problem. When I was growing up on a Bay of Plenty farm, our dog used to catch and kill skinny starving cats that had been dumped just before people went away on their Christmas holidays. What a horrible thing to do to a pet. At least the dog killed them quickly, so they didn't starve to death. I could never understand why people thought it was kinder to release a cat into bush, rather than have it put down by the vet?