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  • 1 Post By ARdave
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Thread: Perth Australia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Perth Australia

    Hey Everyone,

    Does anyone have any experience hunting in Western Australia. I’ve recently relocated here from NZ and am keen to get into something. It seems in the main to be pest control on farms, which I’m not adverse to, but getting access as an unknown and not knowing anyone here can be a bit problematic...

    Just wondering if anyone knows anything?



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  2. #2
    Member homebrew.357's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi Matt, Your best bet is to log into the,( Australian hunting net), it`s all about hunting in A U. Should put you right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Perfect - thanks!

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Pretty difficult bordering impossible mate. Attitudes are completely different. As you probably know there’s no public land hunting on the entire state. Fox hunting and pig shooting you know someone. Fuck all deer around and it’s pretty hush where they are and people have a negative view of firearms and hunters in general. Give me a message if you want some more info on getting a gun license and where to go
    Steve123 likes this.

  5. #5
    Member Hayden C's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Its not all doom and gloom, there is some fantastic hunting to be had on private land in WA. Mainly foxes, and Roo’s but there’s scrub bulls, camels, pigs and isolated populations of deer scattered about the place if you know the right people. I used to enjoy chasing foxes and roo's around on a property that I was fortunate enough to have access to not far from Perth.

    As above, there are two hurdles you need to overcome.

    1) If its hunting, you want then you need to know someone with land you can shoot on and have them vouch for you in order to obtain a rifle and do some hunting. It’s quite the process and takes time but is possible.

    2) Gun ownership, whilst not too difficult is problematic if you cannot demonstrate a reason to own one. Clubs etc are a good way to overcome this get into a bit of shooting with pistols, 22’s etc.

    My advice would be to join a shooting club and rub shoulders with some like-minded people and the opportunities to hunt will come. Plus, you get to do a bit of shooting to keep you sane in the meantime.

    Heres a couple of cunning old foxes taken by whistling them in not far from Perth

    Name:  P1010856_zps7791b984.jpg
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    Name:  P1010890_zpsvjbm77dp.jpg
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    Steve123 and WallyR like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    I was tractor driving over there after the mines finished up.

    First day on the job, the farm owner gave me a shotgun, a 22/250 and a 22lr.

    He really hated foxes and snakes, I shot dozens of foxes, mostly at night. Few roos as well

  7. #7
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ARdave View Post
    Pretty difficult bordering impossible mate. Attitudes are completely different. As you probably know there’s no public land hunting on the entire state. Fox hunting and pig shooting you know someone. Fuck all deer around and it’s pretty hush where they are and people have a negative view of firearms and hunters in general. Give me a message if you want some more info on getting a gun license and where to go
    I don't agree with this at all.

    I spent 5 years in WA, then a year touring the whole country and before that 2 years in QLD and another year in Aus way back when. Been shooting in every state and territory with the exception of ACT. I've never had problems getting the "genuine need" letters for new rifle licences, places to shoot, etc etc.

    You've gotta be polite, outgoing, willing to put something back into the permission, and definitely put in a lot of kms. Talk talk talk to people. For example, one chance conversation in a morning meeting at work nailed the best Victorian deer stalking imaginable. You gotta put yourself about a bit, nicely.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Peel Forest
    Pretty hard going in WA (spent 26 years based there). It's all about who you bump into and get to know - very different attitudes to firearms and hunting but it's not impossible. Some stations up around Kalbarri used to be good for wild goat as they had far too many. Some good control shooting further north (Pilbara) for Camels and all sorts. There are pockets of deer in the south west but that's very local and you need an 'intro' from a local. Send me a PM and I'll give you a phone number to start with. Was talking on the phone with a shooting mate in Perth last week and he said they've just tightened up the demands re land owner permission letters for high powered rifle license applications to limit the number of persons who can shoot on a property based on area and some other red tape bullshit.
    WallyR likes this.



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