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Thread: Pig baiting help required

  1. #1
    Member johnino's Avatar
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    Pig baiting help required

    I just heard neighbours saw six pigs on a farm next to where I live the other night. Quite an open flat farm. I have no idea why they had come out onto the farm except it was the first rain for weeks. They were beside a haybarn. I was thinking baiting the pigs by regularly putting pig meal down in the same spot at the same time of the day (either dusk or dawn) for a week and then set myself up with the rifle and wait.
    I've never done this before so any advice would be much appreciated. Is this how to get them or am I on the wrong track?

  2. #2
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    That should work, or maize pretty sure it's cheap

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    That would likely work. They go nuts for maize so go buy a bag or two from someone like RD1. Mind you, other animals like it as well.
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  4. #4
    Member johnino's Avatar
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    Thanks. Yeah I'll talk to the farmer. Hopefully he can keep his stock out of the paddock for a couple of weeks

  5. #5
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    Maize or corn soaked in milk until it's rotten smelling and rank

    Once they know it's a food source they will travel great distances to eat it
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  6. #6
    Member johnino's Avatar
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    Trying not to sound like too much of a numb-nuts but roughly what volume should I put down a day?

  7. #7
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    Work out a budget, ie what do you want to spend on the exercise.

    The bait will last a very long time if just poured on the ground, there is no need to add to it or " refresh" it everyday
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  8. #8
    Member johnino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmsaum View Post
    The bait will last a very long time if just poured on the ground, there is no need to add to it or " refresh" it everyday
    So if it's there for them all the time, would you just expect they would turn up at dawn and/or dusk? Or is it a bit hit and miss on when they're there?

  9. #9
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmsaum View Post
    Maize or corn soaked in milk until it's rotten smelling and rank

    Once they know it's a food source they will travel great distances to eat it
    I know some ethnics that would fight the pigs for this sort of tucker
    kokako, Maca49 and DanS like this.
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  10. #10
    SiB is offline
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    Spotlight might help too. We used to use expired cheese from my friendly supermarket manager

  11. #11
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    It probably depends on how much food is around as to what lengths they will travel to eat bait , never heard od maiz/ rotten milk trick I'm sure works , but have seen them travel a long way to eat rotten sheep or a cow .
    Spot light be worth a go as sib said . , remember there eyes don't shine up and they will hear a pin drop at 400 yards on a still night . So go on a windy night so you can get close enough .
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  12. #12
    P38 is offline
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    Pigs will come to bait once they know it's there.

    I have used fermented Corn or Barley before with good success.

    Get a 20l bucket fill it with corn and water and let it ferment away (add some yeast if you have to, to get it fermenting) until it's good and smelly ...... The more it smells the better.

    When you set the bait out get a scoop or two and chuck it up in any nearby trees to let the smell waft around, pigs have a good sense of smell.

    Find where there trail is and put half a bucket out each time near this for a few days and they will get the hang of it.

    A Good Hand full of blood and bone buried a couple of inches under the ground and some chucked around the surface will keep them sniffing around after they have eaten your corn.

    Good luck.

    7mmsaum, Munsey, Pengy and 3 others like this.

  13. #13
    Member Cartman's Avatar
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    Blood and bone cheap and easy and wont fuck the farmers grass. Maize will burn the grass. B and b is good cause they have to work for it they cant just eat it and be gone. If you get them eating regularly youl find their pattern pretty quick pigs wont often pass up free good food. Other easy baits, dead animals or milk. They are suckers for apples.and off produce too.
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  14. #14
    unit moonhunt's Avatar
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    All good ideas, a game camera will help too, I let them feed a week or more before I look on the camera
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  15. #15
    Member johnino's Avatar
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    I bought a 25kg bag of maize from a prize prick in Farmlands Waipapa (RD1 in future). I'll get it fermenting away in a bucket.
    Went for a recce this morning. Found a little hollow by the edge of the bush with fresh pig rooting. I'll bait up around this area. I just bought a trailcam off ebay. Can't wait to set that up. I might shoot a turkey or two and chuck them down there too. A bit of blood and bone spread around. What pig won't want to come and hang out there.Name:  IMG_0498.jpg
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