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  • 1 Post By bumblefoot

Thread: Pig hunting in Fiji video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stratford, Taranaki

    Pig hunting in Fiji video

    This is awesome! Pig hunting in Fiji! I was at remote village in Vanuatu and the young guys were going pig hunting the next day. It rained too heavily though so they called it off. They were all young and built like wippets and the temp was abound 30C, so I wasn't too dissapointed..... It probably would have killed me!

    Brian likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Geez they didn't make it easy for themselves in getting it out. That many guys, it should have been easy.

    When I worked over there hunting goats the heat was pretty extreme. I can't imagine running in it. Let alone how those dogs would handle it. If course it could be winter which is much more tolerable.
    The fijians are a fun bunch. It'd be a good day out I reckon.



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