Anyone got some photos of setups? Have welder and plenty of old gates etc
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Anyone got some photos of setups? Have welder and plenty of old gates etc
the one up at dairy farm worked a treat...basically four gates 12foot long or longer all together to make a long box gate height and width,both ends blocked in...and a opening with smaller gate hindged at top so it sloped inwards at something steeper than 45 degrees,it was about half width of pen with a wee side wall inside pen,pigs pushed under to sloping bit ,get inside and it drops back down,they cant get under it as its now sitting on ground,propped open wit ha stick would allow piglets in and out but soon as taller pig touches gate it is able to fall down again as prop stick falls away. DO NOT bait with meat or will be full of hawks.
Ive also seen it done in a spiral getting tighter the closer to centre,before pushing past a lightly sprung gate,then they in centre and cant push gate open to get back out....they used similar on mustangs back in the wild west days just on much larger scale.
The roof is very important.
Attachment 201585
Attachment 201586
We have a great trap, lift with 2 people and fits on a flat deck ute. Literally caught hundreds of pigs. And multiple at one time. Can shoot them inside trap and you will catch again straight away. Best bait is mutton. Tied up to the leg of a mutton and set off via a wire and pulley. Caught 6 boars over 100lb in 6 consecutive days, cunning boars are always the hardest to catch. It's important to get pigs comfortable with the trap before you set it. If your genuinely interested ill get you dimensions.
Attachment 201594
All alot of work to make .
Theres cheaper option
The guys on Banks Penisula are catching entire mobs and have made a big impact on numbers (both hunters and helicopters didnt result in any measured decrease). Their traps are built from 1200 high x-fence tree protector or horse netting on waratahs. The gates are radio controlled and have cameras so they can monitor the trap in real time, only dropping the gate if the whole mob is in. Requires a lot of operator discipline but has been very sucessful. The initial cost is high but the per pig rate is very modest.
I just need to catch one clever pig, he's reasonable size, seen him at our dead hole and he's turned over a heap of fodderbeet have had a few people offer to run their dogs on him but don't really like the idea of dogs stirring up deer
so get guys whos dogs are deer 90% of genuine pighunters.
Just keep baiting the gut hole up and bang the fucker
Thermal scope would be the trick
dont wash for a month and wait in the hole?
Wrap yourself in bacon on top of it :-) female bacon preferably
12 or 14ft gates work great, 2 for the sides, one for the roof, gotta have a roof! And tie the bloody thing down with well driven Waratahs. Make a gate for one end, or both ends, as Micky described. A barred gate, with the bars vertical, not horizontal, and simply let it swing down to the ground. Leave both ends open for a week or 2 so Mr Pig is comfortable walking through, then drop one end, and a week later drop both ends. Boiled barley works great as a bait, smell goes a long ways and they love it. Spuds work too, and old bread. Dont touch it or scent the place up when you walk in to bait it, and check it out from a distance if you can.
And then we want to see the pic's once you have 'im.
Husky...there are two I know of just across river from you that regularly catch pigs,the farm hands kids look after them....I did have to laugh when saw two LIVE sheep in it one afternoon.
Some of the boars are very clever. The one in the photos I posted had been in and out of that trap 5 times eating everything in there except the bait around the trigger stick. I ended up setting up a trip wire using fishing nylon to the base of the trigger. That eventually led to his downfall.
We had another big boar (about 180lb) in another trap that worked out that once trapped if it pulled on the string (that goes from the trigger to the door) it could open the door. Fortunately, it couldn't work out how to pull on the string and get out the door at the same time:)
Hi there
The li k below will help with how to build and use.
Here is the correct Link
A pet sow 'in season' penned near the bush has been known to get a boars attention