i know that pirongia gets 1080 quiet often but was wondering if there are many animals up there?
does anyone know any decent ish spots up there? or any good tracks to base off
just looking for any info possible
i know that pirongia gets 1080 quiet often but was wondering if there are many animals up there?
does anyone know any decent ish spots up there? or any good tracks to base off
just looking for any info possible
Wouldn't even think about going up there at the moment, they've just carpet bombed the place with green rain. It'll be animal free for a while, and if you did find anything alive, there's no way you should eat it.
Just a little drop
I have an intense disapproval of poison of any kind in our enviroment be it 1080 or Hicane (kiwfruit industry) I believe that in years to come it will come back to haunt us.
Yes the Kiwi Fruit industry has its problems alright. When my Wife was the Parkinson Rep she attended to 3 generations of sufferers from one family.
There is no free lunch with chemicals....that is why some people call me 'The Living Proof'
That's one step up from being 'The Dead Proof' I suppose. Many from my Company are the 'Dead Proof'.
Bill Axbey....Some call him own 'Greatest Conservationist' Used the phrase "1080 will be NZ own Agent Orange"
if they were made to collect the dead like they are meant after dropping this shit, it would be cheaper and more effective to use ground control. time to test our export meat and milk for residues
Quite a few pigs out there. been told by a few pig hunters their dogs have bailed up red deer. never seen any myself though. but yeah not worth hunting for a while thanks to our wonderful government.
I know I'm not meant to mention it but you all have a Party Vote tomorrow.