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Thread: This pisses me off!

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    His guiding outfit advertised on the web/fb etc - easy to find. Based south of Geraldine. In regards to hazing the animal, didn't see the chopper in the link doing this but obviously close by. Maybe Whanahuia should send the link to DOC to get an opinion? I wrote a submission years ago against use of AATH and my thoughts haven't changed - unethical but its permitted apart from hazing.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The hazing thing is a grey area, under the AATH guidelines herding animals with the chopper is permitted, hazing not. Which is a total cop-out and a sop that the NZPHGA should be ashamed of and oppose.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    I beleive the video has been captured in case its taken down and is in better hands than mine. As far as DOC gos. I have absolutely no faith in them treating anything with this issue with good faith.
    Some years back myself and a mate spent a couple of hours laying a formal complaint and being interviewed about actions we observed regarding this issue. Only to find out when I enquired later that the complaint and interview had never been lodged and Doc had no record of it. I suspect the formal report we signed went straight in the bin after we walked out the door.
    Micky Duck and XR500 like this.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Central North Island
    We are now recording any and all communications we have with local govt/govt departments. The level of bias and incompetence beggars belief.
    Micky Duck and whanahuia like this.

  5. #50
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    We saw animals shot inside the greenstone capless rha from chopper and doc didn't follow it up as pilot was well known local....
    whanahuia likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    We saw animals shot inside the greenstone capless rha from chopper and doc didn't follow it up as pilot was well known local....
    If you have video evidence simply give it to the police, it's unlawful hunting.By pass DOC as they are well known for "corrupt " behavior in the past when it comes to their friends that fly the local helicopter.

  7. #52
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Was years ago...we did what we could and got no where. It happens.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  8. #53
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    This is the conflict, where greed gets in the way of any sportsmanship or consideration for others. Check out this video from 38 minutes on. I know this spot, these guys probably did 6-8 hours of bashing through untracked bush to get there. On top of a days walk too the base of the climb. Camped up for an early start next morning and in comes a chopper, sees them and then lands guys a couple of hundred meters in front of them and chases the animals off.

    You have to ask why in every single fucking video, we see appalling behaviour from those doing the Helihunting?

    XR500 likes this.

  9. #54
    Bus driver
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Well mate…I enjoyed the video immensly……I haunted that area 30 yrs ago …still bloody beautiful stuff
    whanahuia likes this.
    It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    West Coast
    Yep, and yet constantly you hear how the clients on these helihunts are told its too steep to hunt, or its impossible to get too. And yet many of us Like yourself have been or are hunting there on foot.

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    South Waikato
    It is to steep for some of them. But, they have the money to make it happen. And New Zealand makes rules which allow it to happen.
    So it's basic supply and demand.
    Voicing an opinion on this, or any other forum is not going to change anything. Getting up the ones who make the rules is the best way to get action (I'm not giving advice on how to do that as I got banned recently for giving such advice)
    I am not in favour of aerial assist hunting, but if it were the only way I could get a Tahr, and the funds were available I may change my mind.
    We all hunt in different ways, and as soon as we decide someone else's method should be deleted (as kiwi hunters are very good at) we alienate a section who we really need on our side.
    And in this case these people usually have the funds to support action against the anti hunting side.
    If you read some of the international hunting publications, these people invest huge amounts on fighting the antis.
    erniec, Micky Duck and woods223 like this.
    Overkill is still dead.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    West Coast
    These people are quite capable, with thier money, of doing a perfectly acceptable easier hunt on private land where they don not create such impact. They will also continue to contribute whether helihunting exists or not.
    gqhoon and Micky Duck like this.

  13. #58
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    So there is the catch 22. If the $$$$ are happy to spend them on private land,and the cash strapped governments are happy to accept the tax $$$$ of said operations to help prop up the economy.what incentive is there for said government departments to keep said $$$$ inside private boundaries??? That's right none at all. And when you have the likes of Forest n bird screaming fowl/foul over leaving select types age groups of animals out of taxpayer funded airial culling operations and threatening to sue fwf for doing same.it is a rock n a hard place. Yes in ideal world the $$$$ be kept off public domain but reality is they aren't going to be as long as operators keep promising to deliver free range public land hunts the ones doing it will continue to compete with foot hunters.its always been that way since the meat hawks started shooting from the machines way back when many of us were still young if indeed born .
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  14. #59
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Until we adopt the X number of hours between fly and shoot rule and find a way to cheaply police it we are stuck where we are. And the cynic in me sees the loophole immediately.fly in,camp in hot tent and woken at ten AM by whirlybird shepherding the animals down to where the client is enjoying their bacon n eggs with freshly brewed coffee served by white coated serving staff..... Actually that would bring in more tax dollars in wage taxes and increased cost to client. So until you can stop the machine chasing the animal you are stuck in similar rut. GPS tracking in conjunction with a watchdog organisation funded by fee on guiding perhaps????which brings a tag system closer still. Local Vs guided overseas tags MIGHT control it but keeping greed and corruption out would be the challenge.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #60
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    Well that didnt take long. Video has now been removed from Youtube. I guess they woke up this morning and suddenly became un-proud of their efforts.



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