[QUOTE=whanahuia;1667293]To be fair @Stocky did not say you were being obtuse. Which means-[QUOTE]annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand./QUOTE]
He said deliberately obtuse, which means-Deliberately obtuse: This phrase emphasizes the intentional nature of pretending not to understand.
And that does fit I think.
Again, I know exactly what the phrase means; it's a cliche he is using to characterise my posts in a way that suits himself, to diminish my point of view. But, disagreeing with you is not the same thing as deliberately pretending to not understand you. I get you fine. I dont agree with you.
Jesus look, it's a recreational activity, no one is forcing you to do it dangerously. Deer hunting is not hazardous. Working in fishing, in logging, or on the waterfront is hazardous. Scuba diving is hazardous.