The above are the headlines in the NZ Farmer 16th Sept.
Forestry workers are dodging bullets from poachers", says a Forest manager. They are being fired at by people hunting wild pigs illegally released in the private Forests.
A lot of bullshit from a couple of drama queens. The journalist and the Forest Manager. A few days in a war zone would cure this man of such fucking fantasy's.
How do you dodge a bullet. Its much faster than you 'sunshine'
He goes on.... De La Mere said hunters releasing pigs were undermining work to eradicate TB.
This is an old favourite this...he should check up with a bit of the science around the place.
Over the last five years pigs have been released on Molesworth Stations by Animal health Board and DOC as TB indicators. Landcare Research have declared the pig as an End Host....Not believed to spread TB.