Sorry but you're wrong. Illegally taking stock animals = rustling (or just theft), illegally hunting game animals = poaching. Read a dictionary if you don't believe me.
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So bring back shooting anyone that slides into bed with the cook? Shoot any neighbour that nips over the fence? Could have done that yesterday. ....
And let's burn the witches on public place! We will end up not much better than the fuckers from ISIS
I know a a couple of brothers found guilty of poaching.
One was called Thomas the other was John.
Their sentence ..... Ship them to a penal coloney on the otherside of the planet and give them seven years hard labour to boot. :oh noes:
The sentence seemed a bit harsh at the time but it all worked out Ok for them in the end. :)
17th century Brittish Justice at its best.
Guess we've gone a bit soft since then aye!
Seven caught in poaching sting |
I hate it when you're poaching and get distracted.
What should have been the perfect 5 minute egg can become a tasteless lump on your morning Vogels no matter how much salt or Worchestershire sauce you use.
@Pengy Hope they the arsholes lighting the pui pui when you where camping there !
He will be in bed Munsey:D
Night night to you too mr penguin,great to see you again. Did Brads give your chilly bag back?
Looks like that deer has been wearing a collar
Friends of mine keeping a few pigs on their farm but the numbers where going down.They got onto who was doing it & apparently was a butchers shop in Morrinsville tied up in the mix. Was a lot of animals being taken .So a group of guys got together to catch the bastards & they got the main offender 1 night.By the time the Komatua & reinforcements turned up they had the hope round the cunts neck & over a suitable branch . Was game over for those ass wholes & a bloody good job they got caught. They eventually let him go with a couple of rope burns & he got the color back into his face .
That's what happens here so & after all its just stock thieving don't think you can call it poaching. Domestic stock on a farm (private property) if you think its fair game I'd be very afraid or have a good lawyer. Wouldn't even think about Mr D's cows unless your suicidal or just sick of living .
It's all called " border patrolling" until you get caught!!!! & then the law can decide which version you get charged with.
Remember though: that anyone caught where they're not supposed to be with a firearm can almost guarantee that their firearms licence will be revoked by our friendly fuzz force!!!! Worth remembering,eh???
I went for a nosey along part of the Wairau near Spring creek (?) today. There, laying neatly folded, were the skins and heads of two nice sized hinds, sitting out in the open on the river flats....complete with ear tags :(