Poaching, let's get this straight
Originally Posted by
Do you understand the word proximately?
Statistically you would be in more danger crossing the street in Christchurch...
By the way, you don't have higher ground in this discussion, I have been a farmer and landowner as well as a few other things whilst currently a townie...
There is no justification for shooting stock, damaging property or assaulting people - but we aren't talking about poachers now are we now... we are talking about criminals...
It may be convenient for you to lump all together, but I would wager you never see most poachers, cause they don't wannabe seen... they don't damage your property, kill your stock or assault you...
It would seem to me, that the "increase in poaching"? coincides with increasing interest in hunting and reducing access to private property, because farmers now tend to view wild animals that they do not own, as a resource.
It would also seem to me that landowners are more indignant (because of their perception of ownership) about all this, and because they spend most of their time talking to themselves and not developing communication skills, they may not tend to engage particularly well with small bands of scruffy men carrying firearms. From a past life, a place of self righteousness and authority is no substitute for well developed communication skills, particularly when those you are dealing with may well lack in these areas as well.
If you think I lack empathy with the issues, you are mistaken and yes we need to deal with the idiots.... there are plenty of laws to do that... but a lot less paranoia is a better solution than a lot more... we don't want to turn into americans...
Let's just agree two to disagree:)
And keep this forum the great place it is.
You are right I'm a simple farmer with zero communication skills.
And often really struggle to say what I want how I want
I lump them all together cause to me there all the same. We often catch/see poachers,
I think if you think your not being watched these days your wrong. Going back a few weeks I caught a guy just on dark on a rainy Sunday night he thought he'd have the place two himself, he go the fright of his life:)
I don't no any farmers who view the wild animals as a resource most still would rather that grass for there stock, but the ones with a problem would rather pay a chopper crew than open it up two the public
From a simple mans view PerazziSC3 has summed it end of story:)
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