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Lost an animal tonight :pissed off: Was hunting on my land. The bugger went over the fence or under:wtfsmilie:
Anyway too keep things legal rifle was left on my side of the fence while I looked for it as I have a knife.;) I'm still pissed off but lost the trail of blood. Searched on the other side for an hour,now I'm a fukn poacher:PAttachment 23061Attachment 23062Attachment 23063
That's a bugger Dundee.
On a side note: All this poaching talk has sparked my interest. I might have to give it a go myself. Since it looks like I might be in the market I might have to poach a replacement vehicle from the north island as there isn't much around here.
Sidney wrote...
It would seem to me, that the "increase in poaching"? coincides with increasing interest in hunting and reducing access to private property, because farmers now tend to view wild animals that they do not own, as a resource.
It would also seem to me that landowners are more indignant (because of their perception of ownership) about all this, and because they spend most of their time talking to themselves and not developing communication skills, they may not tend to engage particularly well with small bands of scruffy men carrying firearms. From a past life, a place of self righteousness and authority is no substitute for well developed communication skills, particularly when those you are dealing with may well lack in these areas as well.
I am very disappointed to read such a post on our forum...
The irony Dundee, you could still get trespassed even though no rifle. Did you have permission?
And witness a lack of communication skills... perhaps you should try and read it again and this time try to understand it
I was a farmer... it was a tongue in cheek remark almost self mocking.. and only seeking to point out the need to manage those situations carefully..
The first statement is observational, and would be an accurate reflection of many landowners opinions... Again having been a farmer I have seen and watched the access issues for years..
If you don't understand clarification is the first step......
@BRADS, it is not just a country/town thing. Town people put up big fences and gates and close themselves off from the rest of the world. They don't talk to their neighbours; one thing the quakes down here has changed to a degree. The problem is more that there is a certain element in our society that just don't care about anyone else and know that at worst it will be the wet bus ticket if caught. They ruin it for the good country folk and the good town folk. Over the years I've done a lot of work on farms and know the story well from both sides.
If these bad elements were properly dealt with then we would likely see the rural areas opened up more. At the moment a lot of the farmers that in the past would allow access across their property have been burnt and have stopped the access in order to curtail the problems. The flip side is that the unformed public roads need to be sorted too, no one else is allowed to block off a public access just because the bad element have been using it too. We have an alleyway next to us too, ripping off fence palings, stealing stuff, chucking rubbish, hiding behind the garage drinking beer, tagging, ...
I must get some shut eye before @BRADS wakes up :thumbsup:
A lot of these issues seem like they could be solved with a box of beer?
yeah or just not poaching.