Hi team, still learning how to read sign and not sure on these. A lot of the pellets were around 2cm long
Hi team, still learning how to read sign and not sure on these. A lot of the pellets were around 2cm long
Open images in an new tab for a gratuitous level of detail but on-screen size in this post is probably fairly accurate
There are sheep around and plenty of goats
Top pic could be deer but it's pretty old sign. The two dark middle pics look more raisin like and possibly sheep.
From the top:
Sidle Pougar going uphill
Ogre-snort going sideways
Last two - anybodies guess
Sidle pougar !! Brilliant! A silly story from my teens at school camp up castle hill
Apparently became extinct cause they could only sidle in one direction cause legs on one-side were shorter than the other and there for they could not turn round and run away from danger
Anyhow the pictures look a lot like the piles of crap deer leave at the front steps of my bach after the buggers have destroyed the agies pants out front of the place. QE2 trust put up a chopper with a thermal 18/11 ish nailed 9 deer 9 goats in a couple of bours - should let my plants recover a bit.
Come on Foster, who do you think you are trying to kid with Sidle Pouger crap?
Anyone who has had experience with Sidles knows they don't go up or down hills. They "sidle" them, hence their name.
The question is, left or right handed Pouger? Unless of course your left and right handed Pouger had started breeding and they are in fact now changing to Uphill and Downhill Pougers. That hasn't happened anywhere I've heard of yet.
It's highly likely the pictures above are just plane old deer crap.
Overkill is still dead.
Figured too big to be goat but probably just sheep. I did see a couple of reds further up the ridge and these were all along the bush edge
What about the last one? Saw a bunch of those
Based on the size of them and online research I'd be inclined to think pic 3 may be sheep and the others red deer?
Pick fresh one up n sniff.deer shit smells like deer. Clumps are usual deer eating fresh grass but sheep very similar. Unless it's still falling towards earth it's not truely fresh.when you find it in that state you can usually identify the depositer with ease.
75/15/10 black powder matters