A core problem in all this is that game animals (in a hunters view) are not legislated for in NZ as public assets to be managed as such on public lands. If they were recognised in legislation as public assets and thus entitled to proper game management regimes, the whole poison scenario would virtually disappear and be replaced by targeted trapping or other means of stoat, cat, possum and rat management.
They way the government has for over fifty years prevented such recognition of our introduced game animals has brought the deliberately created smoke screens of rats, possums and bovine Tb as justification for mass non target specific broadcast poisoning instead of targeted spp specific management. Public have been deliberately misled as to the available methodologies and alternatives in order to be blinded to the actual agenda. This surely must be becoming obvious to hunters by now. The twig and tweeters must be laffing their heads off to have pulled the wool successfully for so long. Hunter apathy has allowed this, while standing by and watching the anti poison activists who advocate trapping and game as assets and to protect clean waterways to become lambasted and labelled by govt and media as eco terrorists and cranks, ffs.