protocol when shown hunting block or taken for hunt.
I had thought this was in a sticky,but cant seem to find will start a fresh thread.
this can be a great way for young person or person with little experience to gain some,BUT there are unwritten rules (so I will write then down) failure to follow them tends to piss people off no end and leads to lack of trust and no more offers of same for the next newbie...which ultimately will kill off our sport.
If you are fortunate enough to be taken away for a hunt by someone else to an area you DONT NORMALLY HUNT YOURSELF..... you leave the block alone afterwards unless specifically told its ok to go back.... the area is the teachers home turf,the last thing they want is every tom dick n harry shooting the shit out of it..... photos plastered on facebook/hunting pages or even this forum which identify spot are a huge NO NO.... there are folks who troll pages looking for just this type of heads up as to where animals are.
PRIVATE land is even more just DO NOT go back or ring up to ask if you stuffs up access for the origonal fella and let me tell you really fcuks guys off more than just about anything else...we work hard ,sometimes for years to gain access to farms and when someone you try to help roots it for is a real kick in the balls. DO NOT DO IT.
now public land/DOC controlled land is a little bit more of a grey area but it is still very bad form to go back and hunt area you were taken to without specifically being told its ok to do so....again it takes years to get to know a block half properly , it only takes one person to stuff it up by being greedy and shooting crap out of it,or letting on to others who do so...sometimes its completely innocently done...but he damage is done.
you dont take GPS and pin spots when taken out on fishing trip...same reasons apply.
an offer to pay for gas always goes a long way,if you invited back for another hunt/fish the offer to take your wagon does too. gas isnt cheap.
there was young fella on here 2 years ago...went out for hunt in new to him area,he was sucessful and posted photos up....I sent him PM immediately and confirmed where he had took me less than 2 minutes on google earth to work it out...he took one photo down and area was again not obvious.
if putting up photos,promonent landmarks ,road signs,track signs,hut names are all dead giveaways to where you were so show respect to fella who has taken you out and dont give away location.
Often someone will ask for where to head out for a hunt......unless you know them well and trust them to keep quiet..dont give away your number #1 location...or even the #2-3 spots...but do give them place to head with some reasonable expectation of seeing game.
Im as guilty as next fella of giving away my good spots,so far it hasnt bitten me in bum.... to those fellas who have gone for a look and kept quiet about it..THANKYOU.
stay safe out there folks.