the wife grazes her horse on a farm which has a rapidly expanding pukeko problem. are they legal to shoot during duck season. do i need a permit etc?
they are turning fields into swamp and shitting in all the water troughs
the wife grazes her horse on a farm which has a rapidly expanding pukeko problem. are they legal to shoot during duck season. do i need a permit etc?
they are turning fields into swamp and shitting in all the water troughs
They are on the duck licence.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Make pukeko soup just as you would for chicken soup. Most could not recognise any difference.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Contact Fish &Game and explain your situation. Do not do anything but as I have said as the consequences are qucite exspensive. There is a solution anf F&G will help. Feel free to pm me your number or I can give you mine.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
suppressed .22 does happily deal to the close ones, but they get the idea pretty quick.
What's the preferred round for taking out a lot of these, with as little change of a ricochet into neighboring properties as possible? 17 Remington / fireball / hornet?
trying to ring F&G currently. message says what their opening hours are and no one is answering.
2 ways of dealing with the problem.
From the 2020 game regs : Pukeko 23 May to 27 Sept 2020 limit of 5 All areas.
Buy a game licence then chase them with a shotgun.
2nd way is contact the landowner and talk to him........He will have to contact F&G and get a permit as he is the landowner. However, F&G normally wont issue a permit during the game season and will say 'Get some hunters in to deal with them under the game regs.'
Getting strangers to hunt them during the game season is not an ideal solution as they may cause bigger problems esp if they are just looking for a place to hunt especially with horses on the property.
got thru to F&G, yep game license and shotgun at this time of year. wait till summer and it changes to the point i can use a suppressed 22.
now the property is zoned rural but getting surrounded by townies so the quieter the better. no issues with shooting the property at all as the mrs knows the owner for many years.
One tip when you start shooting them.
If you wound one, DONT pick it up by the neck!!! If you do, it will redesign your forearm with its legs..............
Have made a batch of Pukeko Patè before. Came out bloody good and couldn't tell the difference between that and normally liver patè.
Duurty .30cal
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity"
Sigmund Freud
hey any recipes are more than welcome
Just grab any normal Patè recipe and just replace the liver with pukeko breast, it's good.
Easiest way to breast them is lay them on their belly,stand on legs and pull at the base of the wings. The breast will rip right through the sternum and voila. Works best when warm.
Duurty .30cal
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity"
Sigmund Freud
If they are walking on your grass or eating it a cull is needed.
We had a couple come up attacking our chooks they soon got the don't come back message.