Rite now is a good time to publish the business that support Forest & Bird , these people need $ to function, already due to complaints countdown pulled there sponsorship , if you go to the Forest and bird website you can see the list :
The Collective Nz : yo@epicdairy.com
HealthPak: info@healthpak.co.nz
Heritage Expeditions: info@heritage-expeditions.com
Evolve Jewellery: evolve@evolve-jewellery.co.nz
JB HiFi : marketing@jbhifi.co.nz
Kiwi Camping: https://www.kiwicamping.co.nz/support/contact
Pure Nature: info@purenature.co.nz
Solarcity: customercare@solarcity.co.nz
Topflite : https://topflite.co.nz/contact-topflite-team-today
Weta Digital: digital@wetafx.co.nz
After speaking to countdown they made it very clear in no way did they want to support any Tahr cull , The likes of kiwi camping should fully understand how important hunting is to us so don't hold back though be polite , I would imagine the thought of ending up on the no buy list of 48000+ hunters should pull some weight & hopefully some of the sponsors simply wont want to be implicated in the annihilation of an endangered species . I have sent a few e mails and await a response , same old story one or two emails wont cut it so take the time to contact them.Cheers.