Piro piro flats is an easy place to start, gets a bit of pressure but still worth checking out. Take a compass, map and gps if u have one
Piro piro flats is an easy place to start, gets a bit of pressure but still worth checking out. Take a compass, map and gps if u have one
if the weathers good don't stop at the piropiro campsite continue thru and drive the forestry roads there are campsites all over and its better if you can get a distance between you and the cycle track (much quieter) there are deer there little harder to hunt than other places spooked one on Saturday gps is definitely a plus in there and a compass and map goes without saying its one of those areas that everything looks the same once your in the thick stuff and its very easy to walk around in big circles and not know it till you check your compass or gps . haven't seen anything coming out on the felled out areas yet (all overgrown with blackberry and shit now) I broke out of the bush into one on Saturday ....lots of pig rootings . goats and feral cats down there too