I don`t know, I think it`s getting sorted out, mainly for the tourists bikers who don`t like getting their bum wet camping. On the road coming in at the end of the farm have seen some goats on the hill at right and left in the pines which is in the park I think, although I haven't latched on to any yet. When in Last time the roads were getting buggered with all the rain, lots of washouts , a 4x4 would be ok.
Pretty flash
I tell ya boys it an`t what it used to, I can remember top class bush huts of the high grade type, all mod cons,
, You wouden`t want a large fire.
It`s a steal at $80 to a$100 bucks a night, $80 is with out the seat.
there is a hut built into a hollowed out totara "stump" (actually quite tall for a stump so probably not really a stump) just on the other side of the ford will see if i can fish out a photo over the weekend
You wouldn't stay in the hollow totara anymore. It's too far gone