Yes it could! Pay trappers the $50/ hectare rate (or perhaps more, to equal the aerial poison all up cost per ha) and there will be plenty lining up for thT sort of $$$.
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sorry Woody but your maths are way way out I managed possum control for various DOC areas for over 30 years including a number of aerial 1080 operations - no contractor would work for the hectare cost of an aerial 1080 operation - they could not compete with the same given target - not a hope in hell - to make a living they would need a substantial increase in hectare cost - they dont work for free - and good contractors simply are not out there -
The website says that pureora south block only getting done from feb 2025
In 2014 the AHB had to oprn their books. The cost per Average back then for aerial 1080 per ha was $55 per. Bet the aberage is more than that now. The option of trapping for fair equal pay has been covered in smokescreens for decades, and all you really need to understand why is ,as usual; "follow the money". (Including the the cossetted bureaucracies involved which are also financed by your taxes, levies and rates. End of--.
Saw a post on FB with a pic of the helicopter over Ranginui Rd.
If you follow the money you will find
Always a conspiracy, in behind
Promoted by a narrative, which is a story much told
Of greased palms - and the passing of gold
Its about Covid and 1080, and rules about guns
There’s a conspiracy here for everyone!
Until there is a price per head can never be a level playing field.. it would be very very easy to up the amount of possums killed by the public.extremely easy infact..just change one little itty bitty rule and tweak another. Allow shooting after dark and the use of rimfire or shotgun on public land...with thermals to help find them to begin with ...yip I would go for night time walkies and pluck possums as I went.
legally its possible Mickey Duck DOC can write a special permit its simply they wont -and worse many DOC staff dont know they could lol
We can use shotgun or rimfire on small game permit....but not after dark...possums can be hunted during daylight but hell of a lot easier at night.
I have set up a trail cam down there , hopping to see what would pop up in spring after the winter drop.
I guess I am going to have to wait till february / March to retrieve that cam.