Everybody has a kink.
There's a resident mob of 8 goats not far from home and I spent a few wasted hours during lockdown keeping track of their movements in the spotting scope. A young nanny came on heat and so began the fighting between the 3 billies who wanted to get a leg over. The guys battled it out for 7 or 8 days while the young lady played hard to get. Eventually the dominant male managed to keep the other blokes at bay for long enough to pay the young lady some attention. There was lots of necking, licking, nudging and pitiful mewing while he begged for her pleasure. This went on for another 4 or 5 days. As soon as the dominant male turned his back for 2 seconds one of the other blokes was in like Flynn. The lady was no tramp and held her honour. The physical attention escalated. The blokes got horribly frustrated, then angry, more fighting, more attention, more frustration... and still the lady held her head up. It was bloody funny and I couldn't help but feel for the guys... it was just like in the human world.
Such was my entertainment for much of April.