How is your quad set up for hunting, just got one and want ideas, lets see some pic
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How is your quad set up for hunting, just got one and want ideas, lets see some pic
Two wheels
And for the trickier possies :)
Here's mine
Twin rifle holders mounted to one side, a fruit bin to hold the bit and pieces we like to carry and a winch up front to get you out of those sticky situations.
I also carry a bicycle pump for the tyres just in case (have used it twice on mates Quads so far).
I carry a wire strainer with a long chain. Makes a good winch.
Hey Pete, you got a side on pic with rifle in the holder , just wanting to see what the over and under hang is
I use my std farm bike, with a box on the front. Added a Cdax QS frame for spraying and it's damn handy for tying animals to.Attachment 36638
carry a spade
repair kit
hand winch or wire strainer
wire rope with shackles
compressor under seat.
plywood on back for dog ( make sure no gaps for his legs to slip into =broken leg and carpet or rubber for grip)
Careful with gun racks on there position .( slipping along trees and clay banks can damage gun if not in right spot)
plenty of tie downs and bungy cords you can never have enough.
Can't beat those bungy cords, I don't own a quad but get to use a trusty Honda 300 very old school but thankful I get to use it, I use a plastic school desk tote tray on the front, bungy cord the rifle across the back mat, I can still reach around and pull the rifle out without it getting caught on anything, while still sitting in the seat. Have to look into the rifle grips like in Pete's pics.
Besides fitting two gun racks, I made up a bigger ply deck for mine. Much better for carrying passengers including deer carcases
and before any smartarse comments, no, there isn't any outboard fitted to it..
Gave up on the quads , Rhino carries alot more gear and passangers safer , no need to tie everything down just chuck it in the back
Havent found anywhere it cant go yet , and fords deep water better than the quad , have had water over the bonnet that hydraliced the quad
Attachment 36686
Attachment 36687
Good luck with your can am
A couple of things I've done are add a winch after a mate got it stuck. Some decent tyres, LED lights and a rubber mat for the mutt or anyone sitting on the back and a spade. Also a bash plate underneath. Also galvanised the whole bike.
Attachment 36688
Attachment 36689
Attachment 36690
Attachment 36691
I've thought hard about getting a side by side but there are two dealbreakers for me. Firstly, you need a much bigger trailer than a 7x4 (approx an 8x5 looking at specs) and secondly, the extra width would limit me getting up some of the tracks I use
Way better for two people.
The rhino is the narrowest of them all, goes on most normal sized trailers.
We have the Honda which is bloody wide but seats 3 in comfort.
It's now illegal to have quad passengers so these muv's are the way to go.
We have some VERY steep and narrow tracks, there's no where a side buy side won't go compared to our quads, the low centre of gravity makes sideling steep hills very easy.
@Shootm you forgot to mention the poachers anti detection device you have added to the exhaust :thumbsup:, when i saw the first pic i was starting to wonder how you drive it on its side.