First up, sincere apologies for the delayed response - I haven't even made it back on to read anything since my initial post last Friday and have had my reply to JoshC 'auto-saved' in here since. Never intended on getting any backs up, nor being away from my post for a whole week!
Thanks @JoshC for the advice. I definitely plan on doing my own grunt work and want to stress that I'm not looking for an easy ride - more trying to avoid heading into an area for 2-3 days to find out that she's bone dry! I'll take you up on the private message after some preliminary planning on my next outing
@Duck - I had skimmed over that area on the web not so long ago and have a 4x4 so that could work. I'd be keen to go for a walk one weekend in spring when things have thawed out a little.
@possum_shooter - I've replied (I think) to your message, let me know if it hasn't shown up.