So I do agree if we compare apples with apples the results speak for themselves. I've always found it fooking annoying how folks will say how fantastic a .280rem is or any .284 calibre cartridge,theyslay animals like a bolk of lightning with any bullet from 120-160grns ....but a .270w is gay,they destroy to much meat in one breath yet zip through with no damage in the next. You poke the same make n model projectile at similar velocity out of pretty much and cartridge into something and it will behave very closely to any other the same. 75-80 grns at 2700 is always 75-80 grns at 2700. And 150 grns at 2800fps is also 150 at 2800. All will kill if poked in the important bits. Let the red stuff out n sunlight in and they die. Horses for courses the much maligned 55grn cup n core are still killing deer,when shot placement is good and range kept down a bit...... Nah nah nah don't get all uppity,you can't have it both ways. AS LONG as we consider the limits and stick to them,if animals die humanly. Life is good.its windy as fook outside at moment and predicted to be same going bush hunting with very limited opportunity for longer shot,but it's always on cards,so I will take the .270