"Factory" ammo from Belmont mostly, I dont know for sure which load, must ask him next time I see him in the coffee shop!
"Factory" ammo from Belmont mostly, I dont know for sure which load, must ask him next time I see him in the coffee shop!
Belmont don't make a good .223 load. The nearest thing they make is the old 77gr SMK load. the 77gr SMK is a bad bullet. It does not work consistently.
The professional hunters I work with use whatever is cheap and in bulk in .223, 55gr mainly. The 60gr Vmax is popular for goats. Some are coming round to the advantages of things like the Hornady 73gr ELDM factory load.
Not full time hunting but for last few years just buy Belmont 55 gr 1000 rnd bulk. Use for deer, goats, pigs, whatever. Also used a lot of Hornady training? ammo and Barnaul 55/62 gr. It all kills fine. Also experiment with various hand loads especially when Belmont was in short supply. It all works, just got to know the limits, same with any caliber.