No. You can not compare a projectile from a rifle and one from an arrow. They work via totally different means. I wish people would stop that.
Look, whether its a 223, and arrow, or a 375 H&H. They all kill well when used correctly. Its does not mean in any way that any of them are equal or equivalent.
Tell us about your experience with expanding broadheads(although it is getting way off the subject).i have never used them, but have encounter numerous very experienced bowhunters, who have hunted North American and African game, who refuse to use mechanical broad heads due to failures.
And to answer the original question, I would only consider a 223 a "legitmate" deer caliber, if it was the only rifle I had available. I have far more suitable options.
I've shot dozens of deer with 22 caliber rifles but mostly way back when I thought it was cool.
What worries me about threads like these, is new inexperienced shooters/hunters reads this stuff with "rose tinted glasses and tunnel vision" and come to the conclusion that the 223 is suitable for slaying mammoths. It's not.
Overkill is still dead.