What advantage would the .277 actually have to justify the disadvantages?
My .223 loads cost about the same as a 145gr eldx projectile alone. 25% the recoil. I can make 300m headshots and watch the impact through the scope. It kills well.
How many rounds in a session or a year are people shooting with magnums or .270s to build proficiency? The .223 is so cheap to shoot, not even remotely fatiguing, and the barrel life I so long that I consider shooting it basically free. I have a wide range of good bullets I can choose. For a .270, the ELDX might be just about the extent of it? Bergers at $2 apiece?
Hit probability due exterior ballistics is about the same.
Recoil while the bullet is still in the barrel causes poor real-world accuracy. Particularly from any position off a flat range. The more you can reduce that, the better. If people are taking the time to set up solid positions and pick their shots with night guns and getting good results, good work. I'm a bad shot so I'll take all the advantages I can get.