Took the rifle out last night/evening to have a crack at a pig, amazing how you can see enough with the binos in the moonlight, heard a fence twang or similar but didnt register, quick game of chess on the phone and thoughts were miles away, back to the binos and whats this black shape sifting though the paddock...Hmmm, what the hell im i doing, im going home to get the dogs
Thought my luck it would be well gone, also had the boys keen and dragged them along for the ride
Any how pig was still in paddock, it also had a small pig with it and just as i grabbed a back leg my little bitch grabbed the small pig and my other dog let my pig go, well i couldnt flip it, we did circles around the paddock, i naturaly thought the boys would help me out then after a minute had to yell for help, i guess they thought it was all part of the entertanment
Moonlight dance
Happy boys, well i told them to smile. Sausages for this, family to feed