My zkw 22 hornet. It's my all round rifle at present, I'm about to run out of ready mades but have 600 hammer in 33gr waiting to be loaded. I never know what will pop up here, there's fallow, hog deer and sambar, perhaps the odd red but I haven't spotted any as yet. A few burly boxers around too, 6ft tall.
What sort of BC and velocity ae you expecting to get from the 33gr?
I see a hornet in my future. just not sure if it's a 20 or 22 cal.
lovely looking spot
75/15/10 black powder matters
I didnt think you had foxes in NZ?
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
That's good, DOC would be shitting themselves!
You might know about the furore that erupted when someone found deer prints on the beach of Kapiti Island a few years back
DOC got an old tracker in to look at them and he drily remarked
"He won't get too far, he's only got one leg"
Turned out that some smartarse hunter had cut a deer leg off one he'd shot then taken the trouble to get out to the island beach and leave tracks up and down just for shits and giggles..
Nice one. Used to enjoy chasing them around in WA - good fun when you outsmart them with the whistle.
Beautiful skins on them by the looks!
Pity they don't have too many other critters there to hunt. Still good fun on them foxes. I haven't tried whistling as yet and at 50 for a piece of tin at the local sports store I wasn't in any hurry but it seems that they are easy to make, so as soon as I get back here I'll start manufacturing my own.
Sending you a pm.
Tenterfield whistles are a POP to make. Just google it.
Fox whistling certainly is fun. I was doing OK for a long time, but lately they seem a lot more cagey where I am and getting hard to nail.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Shoot what you please, but bear in mind if you're going to post pics online that it isn't hog deer season and even on private they're protected this time of year.