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Thread: Recommended Outfitter

  1. #1
    Member SanDiegoHntr's Avatar
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    San Diego

    Recommended Outfitter


    I live in San Diego, and would like to come out there and hunt for red stag with a friend of mine. My friend has been researching outfitters/guides, and has found a few he thinks are decent, but it's hard to tell objectively without experienced input.

    Can anyone recommend an outfit that has a decent reputation, and may be reasonable price-wise?

    We'd like to do a public land hunt after that at some point, but would learn more about it while there doing the guided thing. We're more interested in meat quality than trophies, and have been told that the early pre-rut season in best for that objective.
    So we're thinking mid-Feb to early March of 2024.

    We're planning on doing bow for a few days, and then rifle if we're not able to get close. We'd bring bolt-action, as I understand semi-auto is not legal.

    Any feedback is appreciated!


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Waikato
    I have a few contacts in that field.
    Contact me via PM and I'll give you some details.
    There doesn't appear to be a PM function available for you as yet. I presume once you have a few posts up that will become available.
    Bringing a rifle to NZ is a hassle now.
    Outfitters or their guides will supply suitable rifles for clients.
    Overkill is still dead.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SanDiegoHntr View Post

    I live in San Diego, and would like to come out there and hunt for red stag with a friend of mine. My friend has been researching outfitters/guides, and has found a few he thinks are decent, but it's hard to tell objectively without experienced input.

    Can anyone recommend an outfit that has a decent reputation, and may be reasonable price-wise?

    We'd like to do a public land hunt after that at some point, but would learn more about it while there doing the guided thing. We're more interested in meat quality than trophies, and have been told that the early pre-rut season in best for that objective.
    So we're thinking mid-Feb to early March of 2024.

    We're planning on doing bow for a few days, and then rifle if we're not able to get close. We'd bring bolt-action, as I understand semi-auto is not legal.

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    Slightly confusing what your after mate. Long way to come for meat you probably can’t take home? Best to just shoot hinds if that was truly the case.

    In terms of stags, simply do you want to shoot one behind a deer fence or actually wild? I would hazard a guess that 90% of overseas hunters coming for a guided hunt here for red stag will shoot one behind wire, just the way it is. If you want an actual wild stag the size will be considerably smaller, possibly cost more and your chances of success will reduce. You need to be very clear to the outfitter what you expect.
    Andygr likes this.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2020
    Dave, be very careful if you are after a free range red stag. Most red stag hunts in NZ are pen raised stags released into a high wire area pre season or even on the day of the hunt. If that is what you want then most outfitters will be fine. I have been in the business of free range hunting guiding since the mid nineties and its a tough game to consistently provide good trophies for clients but with the right contacts on private land and plenty of time scouting it is achievable most of the time. There is not great money in it for a free range guide like myself but passion and possibly obsession with truly real hunting has kept me at it.
    Micky Duck and Husky1600#2 like this.

  5. #5
    Member HarryMax's Avatar
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    I reckon ol Joseph Peter @ Hardyards looks pretty legit & will get you into some proper public lands animals.



  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    if your after meat and not trophy..eg yo uwant the experience in itself.....from now through till febuary?? is much better time..you want a meat hunt using bow..so no trophy fee,small cull stag or hinds.... plenty out there to pick from anything from $50-700 per animal and some guiding fee on top of that... ngamatea comes to mind they have reds and sika guides and lodge accomidation.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  7. #7
    Member kukuwai's Avatar
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    If you are just keen on hunting some meat animals. These guys look pretty good.


    Nice part of the country too

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    I'm often asked by American hunters the same question, I always give them several options and for some reason they all choose Gary Herbert Safaris as their no 1 choice.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  9. #9
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmokeyJason View Post
    I'm often asked by American hunters the same question, I always give them several options and for some reason they all choose Gary Herbert Safaris as their no 1 choice.
    hes not that dodgy character with an unregistered or warranted terrano is he???? heard that fella was a good guide n hunter but a bit hard of hearing and very hard to get a hold of???
    Billbob likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    hes not that dodgy character with an unregistered or warranted terrano is he???? heard that fella was a good guide n hunter but a bit hard of hearing and very hard to get a hold of???
    Haha you're a funny man mr duck.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  11. #11
    Member SanDiegoHntr's Avatar
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    @7mmwsm - Yep, I'm not able to PM yet. You are welcome to PM me...
    @PerazziSC3 - I know many of the outfits are high-fence; that's not what I'm looking for. I consider low-fence (I'm assuming it's the same there) to be fair-chase, as the animals can move from zone to zone. We have found a few low-fence outfits.
    As far as bringing back meat, each person can bring back 50lbs. If my wife comes out to join me after the hunt, we can bring back a total of 100lbs. I'm hoping I can donate the rest, assuming I get an animal.
    BTW, not looking for a meat hunt, just don't need a trophy. If you saw the size of deer in my county, you'd laugh. �� I'm an amateur chef, which is why Feb-March makes most sense, according to NZ sources.
    @Puddleduk - You just described what my buddy and I do here. In the U.S. there's lots of great hunting. I live in San Diego, which probably has some of the worst hunting (for game other than pigs and doves) in the U.S. Although, we do have world-class deep
    sea fishing, which I've been doing for many years. My buddy and I are more motivated than most, and will spend many many days scouting. I have yet to harvest, although admittedly, I'm an adult-onset hunter, meaning my family never hunted, and I
    got into it 10 yrs ago. It's a difficult thing to get into when you have no contacts or family in the industry, because no one wants to take you to their known spots. I've done archery elk in Montana, which has some of the best animals I've ever seen. It
    was public land, and we didn't get an animal, but we tracked, and got close to several, which is what it's about for me. I can't PM yet, so you're welcome to PM me. I'd love some insight on how to do Public in NZ. We would prefer to do that, but the
    learning curve from here is pretty steep, unless you have friend's/family over there.
    @HarryMax - Thanks for the link, I will check it out.
    @Micky Duck - I was getting the impression from some NZ outfitters that the early season for reds was Feb to March, and that they could not be hunted right now. Am I missing something?
    BTW, you said you thought the pricing was around $50-700 per animal (plus guide, etc.) We've looked at about 15 outfitters, and they are all about $6,000 to $8,000 per hunter, with usually some kind out discount for a 2 x 1 hunt.
    It does include a lot of other things, like lodging, food, and other things, so I'm guessing that's about the going rate. That rate average is NOT for a trophy size buck.
    @kukuwai - Thanks for the link; I will check it out.
    @SmokeyJason - That is one of the places recommended by someone on the "LongRangeHunting" forum to which I'm a member. Their prices are kind of high; a bit more than we want to spend, but thanks for the info.

    If we come out, most likely both our wives would fly out towards the end of our hunt, and we'd rent a car to do a bit of exploring around your country.
    Several ppl, including 7mmwsm have said it's difficult to bring a rifle over. I know there's a few months delay, but what about the process might make me rethink it? I'd rather use my own than rent one.

    Thanks for all the input. I appreciate you taking the time to help a (not sure what you call us in slang...yank?)
    kukuwai likes this.

  12. #12
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    I do some guiding for an Outfitter in the central south island. It's pretty common for US clients to take meat back with them, this is no trouble at all. Just freeze it here and pack into a cooler and check it in as luggage for your flight back. Early season stages are good eating and will be in great condition too.
    @SanDiegoHntr the prices you mentioned should get you a great stag. Most people in the forum are recreational hunters that have never used an Outfitter for hunting in NZ. The industry is a very tight group with only a very small number of them targeting NZ-based hunters and therefore many hunters here aren't too keen on the Outfitters as they secure access leases from landowners etc and can prevent some access to local hunters. Some of these lease agreements prevent access to Public Land through the property. Therefore, the Outfitter will hunt the Public Land there too as there are likely to be good animals there with the reduction of hunting pressure.

    There is a belief by many NZ hunters that most Red Stag hunts by Outfitters are High Fence hunts in small areas. This is certainly not the case as any of the outfitters can offer Free Range and Fair Chase stags. Once you start getting into the really big stags, the smaller the property will be given the costs associated with the stag. Even on a fenced 1500-acre property, depending on the terrain and vegetation, hunting certainly isn't as easy as some think, especially with a bow. It's very likely that there will be truly wild stags on the property too.

    You will just need to decide if you want to ensure you get a stag in the timeframe you are here or possibly go home empty-handed, this is one of the key differences in using a suitable outfitter or not. Again, this would be dependent on how long you want to be here.
    7mmwsm and Billbob like this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Consider these guys ...


  14. #14
    Member SanDiegoHntr's Avatar
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    @Uplandstalker - Great post. I guessed that most on this forum have not used an outfitter. I've never used one either. I don't have deep pockets as many that use outfitters, but can afford to spend a modest amount per year on hunting.
    For me, it's about value. Even if money was no object, I would still rather do a self-guided hunt, animal down or not. I'm more about the experience, than the grip-and-grin. In the states, airfare is not terrible, and since I retired kind of
    young (auto industry - service NOT sales) I can spend time scouting wherever I like, as long as I'm comfortable with the amount I spend on lodging, food, etc. Going to your country, where airfare averages $1,500 per person around the
    Feb time frame, is much more costly for scouting. If I had a friend or hunting buddy over there, who was familiar with the geography, demographics, regulations, I would gladly spend the $1,500 plus expenses every couple of years for a
    self-guided (hopefully with a hunting buddy) experience.
    A few years ago I met a guy on the LongRangeHunting forum (which is great if u need info about anything technical) who lived in Montana and was looking for a hunting buddy for archery elk. I ended up flying up there, having never
    spoken or met with him, and had the best 3 week hunt I'd ever had. I got a bear tag as well. We didn't get anything, but got close. It was the most fun thing I've ever done.
    Man, it's frustrating not being able to space lines or indent. It makes reading these posts like a block of contiguous text...
    Long story short, I would gladly stay longer if I knew someone over there personally. They'd sure have confidence I wouldn't poach their spots, lol.
    This would be the first time paying for an outfitter anywhere, and would hopefully lead to meeting some cool ppl while learning a new language. Just KIDDING (about the language prod.)

  15. #15
    Member SanDiegoHntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    Consider these guys ...

    Any kind of references, or perspective on why you recommend them?



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