If it is an immediate carry I can understand what is being said about leakage but I don't agree. It is not possible to make a perfect gutting job without removing the widepipe because when that is pulled down a membrane inside the chest and gut cavity peels down and leaves the whole inside spotless. I will give Tahr and Brians method of making an incision at the larynx a go
Buy a 'Game Gear' Carry cape, no blood on clothes and replaces your lightweight raincoat.
Ryan try this:
1)Animal faced down hill, cut artery at jaw line to drain
2) 'Bung hole' animal - Arse hole / vagina cut around pull out tie off, pizzle off, tail off
3) split skin on tummy with the animal faced down hill which keeps pressure off the lower abdomen so the intestines aren't bursting out through the incision as you cut.
4) turn animal to face uphill
5) free up and tie off wind pipe trying Tahrs system
6) finish abdominal incision up to ribcage
7)Start the guts coming out to make room for hands
8) reach in cut around both sides of the diaphragm all the way to spine
9) Grip windpipe and pull down, everything will come out including arsehole to leave a perfect clean Gold Medal winning job
10) Inspect lungs/wind pipe , diaphragm, liver, for disease cyst's, TB lesions. Check liver for Fluke if taking it