One slit up the front of the neck, separate wind pipe and esophagus. Tie a knot in esophagus and then reach up rip out whole lot from inside gut cavity. Literally no meat on that front face of neck anyway.
One slit up the front of the neck, separate wind pipe and esophagus. Tie a knot in esophagus and then reach up rip out whole lot from inside gut cavity. Literally no meat on that front face of neck anyway.
Gonna have to have a go at this removing it from the inside thing, I always just go straight in, incision down the stomach and around the bum, come up other side and remove pizzle or vagina and udder tissue, then release bumhole and pinch it from the outside with one hand, reach inside and feel my way to the back with other hand, pinch around the bumhole with hand that is now inside the animal then pull all the guts forward and out in one motion, cut through diaphragm and release it all the way round, then poke knife hand right up as far as I can and slice through windpipe and esophagus from the inside (all by feel as cant see this part of process) and pull vitals out. Tell the truth I've never been much of a fan of neck chops etc and they usually go in the dog pile and this process doesnt really seem to affect any of the meat I'm going to take off the carcass once it's been hung anyhow.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
On Hinds/young out of Roar Stags - pull it back into gut cavity without any opening of neck skin
Stag - Roar or old tough ones - incision just in front of brisket - take it out the front
Bugger carry anything you don’t have too - mind you today most are backed up to with a Quad - if not neck totally removed - flopping/over balancing bloody thing – was different when they were $$ income
Yes - leave the arse sealed until finished carry - if carried
I cant believe people are happy to waste the neck meat.
It is amazing for all sorts of stuff.
As far as the oesophagus goes I always use it to pull the pluck thru after bleeding. I dont care about a bit of blood carrying as it is sort of expected if your hunting. If you havent pumped a round into the body and you do it right, there is little to no blood to worry about anyway.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Ive always removed the esophagus / wind pipe as I was told by a old school hunter that its the first place fly's like to blow.
Whole neck recipe :
In a large casserole , ( or crock pot but it takes longer)Fry some onions in olive oil till brown.
Sear the neck meat ( don't need to remove it from the bone).
Chop three or four carrots and a handful of mushroom had to the meet and the onions.
Chuck a bottle of white wine in and had water till all the ingredients are covered .
One table spoon of salt, herbs, spices.
Simmer for three to for hours , covered till the meat falls from the bone. You can chuck in some potatoes half way in ,if you have enough space.
This recipe is a variant of an ox tail receive. If you want the dish to be a bit more fatty ,you can chuck in a couple of ox tail bones with the fat.
Enjoy. And no more excuses for not bringing back the neck and eating it!
Will give that a go.
I usually casserole the neck meat or roast individual vertebrae and make a rich stock for venison Jus, sausage rolls etc.
If you want to broaden your venison culinary skills. Try this book.
It is amazing.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
For a bit of variation to stews with necks, shanks and shoulders, slow cook them with a tin of Pataks or your favourite vindaloo paste. Guarantee you will carry these cuts out after trying it and not for dog tucker!
Venny neck chops are the ultimate. I cut the yellow tendon off the back off the neck now because it doesn't cook down. When that is cut off it is very easy to see where to split the vertebrae and separate the chops