Very relevant topic.. @
gadgetman @
Bob Da Browning
Our team also doing thorough review - of precise DOC boundaries adjacent to our Cantab sites. DOC good to deal with. We also attempted consultations with Police as to whether we can ever shoot legally onto our farmlands while driving remote back country roads - eg back of beyond in the McKenzie Country. Found it extremely hard to contact Police personnel, no success with calls to Firearms Officers Chch, no real answers from Firearms Authority NZ, referred back to and no answer again from Canterbury Firearms Authority personnel, and no answer from email to them!!! How the hell do we get 100% legal clarity?
Ended up having good talk with policeman in local Hornby copshop, and his advice - best he could cite - was don't risk anything from public roads. Said even if we inform neighbours within several kilometers of night shoot, there can still be that random visitor/camper who hears a shot and reports it, triggering a police enquiry process.
We've now got DOC boundaries 100% aligned, but best we could get is about 98% clarity with Police. Our decision therefore - no risks anywhere, anytime - including no shooting at any time from any public road - however remote.
We're also looking at making signs to hang on gates/fences on the roads into bigger areas where we'll be shooting. EG say 600x600 white, with bold black print and easily visible. Script something like "Caution, Pest control in Progress". Just to make sure not only neighbours but every visitor into site area informed - covering our arses!. Any suggestions as to quick easy sign build (waterproof) appreciated.