Hi. If hunting is allowed sometime soon, even if its day trips only the roar can be saved.
Clearly its been a sad time missing the "Roar" as such but some people might not know that the next best time to hunt stags is 1-3 months after the roar has finished.
I have always done well in this time period , hunting down stags that i missed out on in the roar and have always got a good one bush stalking and maybe a couple more.
In our region i have always found where the areas stags were in the Roar they stay in that area feeding up hard for 1-3 months after, generally closer to the 3 months than one.
So its a simple plan to head to areas where the stags were and look for high feed areas in and around that area and you find sign of the stags feeding up for the winter.
They generally feed later in the morning, staying on the flats that little bit longer and coming out a touch earlier in the evenings.
I have great success and i prob get one ok as soon as we can get out in the bush again.
As havnt been out it will require knowledge of your hunting areas where in the past stags tend to be in the roar and go for a look.
I know two hunting areas every year for the last 4 (not counting last year)i have got a stag in the roar and at least got one or two more after the roar because stags always head there year after year.
Therres always that certain terrance , spur with a flat below etc where you always find sign of a stag from march till end of june and its just a case of hunting him down.
Last "roar " i missed out, heard some great action but missed out on a stag in the roar but month and abit after got this beauty in the bush and i was happy as
So, its been a suck time for a hunter, but hopefully we be able to get out soon and let the roar begin.....just without the roaring but the stags will be there.
They be less wary than normal(other than the roar), feeding later, but they be there and getting one bush stalking without them making a racket giving away they location is somewhat
more of a acheivement in my books, so Hot barrels, stay safe .
Written esp for the newbies hunters