Ugly is the bazillion point head outta a paddock claimed as "free range". That is a cracker head with natural symmetry. I bet your mate is chuffed with it as would I be.
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One less Red in the Whirinaki, my hunting bud knocked over a 6-pointer on Saturday, his first deer after 2 years on trying.....hes stoked and im stoked for him....roared him in, 50 mtr chest shot.......after two shite days hunting in constant rain, that day was a beauty......
Whahoo thats awesome. Got a pic of it?
Scousers buddy
Huge thanks Dundee, thats the exit wound, he shot him in the chest about 25 mtrs above him.......
That is a trophy photo :cool:
I had a mate turn up to help build me a deck so thought best take him for a shot so headed for hauroko unloaded our gear in the hut then across the lake ...picked the perfect spot thick, lots of windfall and steep and just to top it off no stags roaring either not even much sign PERFICT :) but with a stroke of luck when we were nearing the tops got a reply all happened pretty quick he came steaming in he even had to side track a couple of times around fallen trees to get at us ended up only 10 meters away roaring hes head off my mate was all set he lines up the 357 opps safty was on not off !! at 10 meters the stag jumped sideways at the click lucky I already had my sights on him not a big boy but was awsum to see a stag up close ended up a good day until we got back to the boat to find the anchor rope had snapped (still had a mainline on a tree) and the boat was sitting amongst the rocks rolling away in the wash...few dings and water on board not sure how it got there eather a hole or a wave but didn't wait round to find out headed for home sitting rather low in the water for a while !
@Dorma - east Coast?
Did a write up over the other the side but thought Id better put the pic up here since Im wearing the logo;)
Got this little bugger on saturday, my first sika a small 8, pretty stoked:D
Attachment 35894
South Westland stag I shot in our ballot block, roared in & shot close.
Attachment 35900
Few more pics from the last few days;
Reds still roaring on and off, had a bit of fun with a couple of young reds, roaring them to within 20m. Hit one with a stone when he came into about 8m to teach him a lesson about humans :D
Attachment 35904
Attachment 35905
Attachment 35906
Fallow are croaking well. Spent the weekend chasing them, seeing quite a few younger bucks and only one mature one. Witnessed some awesome buck fights! Got a heap of cool photos, but they're on my laptop. Will add them later. Here's a photo of a promising young buck we left to do his thing.
Attachment 35907