Went for a walk upto rangi hut today
Nothing seen or herd bit was more of just a stroll
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Went for a walk upto rangi hut today
Nothing seen or herd bit was more of just a stroll
Attachment 34903
Got out of four days in the Tararuas yesterday and didn't hear any roaring there yet - they say that the ruas are usually late but I never knew if that was an old myth
Saw plenty of stoats though
Been up the Snee Road end again. They just starting up there,heard a few distant roars tonight.
Found a gut bag over here and some bones,fairly fresh.
PT having the last look before we decended
Just as we were nearly ready to climb back down young Petree and his bro n law with kid turns up. Handshakes all round,few yarns spilled and left them to it as this bugger has cows to try and get milk out of in the morning.
Shot and lost a small stag in the kaimais this morning. The blood trail was big hat size splatters for the first 50 yards , then hand size for the next 50 , then slowly disappeared too nothing . Gps said I followed him 250 mtrs .
I shot him inside 20 metres , aiming too take out his front wheels but think I might have gone just behind the shoulder. No sign of lung blood , or gut blood just dark red stuff.
I went after him too fucken quick , he was holding about 60mtrs from where I shot him and probly would have sat down and seised up if I hadent been a dick . Once he spooked it was all over .
Duno if I need a cuddle or a kick in the arse right now , but Im feeling abit suck.
sounds like a liver shot. any roaring in the kaimais?
If there was that much blood he shouldn't of gone much further
Ratshit bro.
Got my first stag for the season in the nelson region today. Tried a old haunt havnt been to in months, shot a typical scrubby nelson stag. pointer but boy was he fat as mud. perfect meat animal, wasnt smelly, hasnt rutted so was a good day. plus first animal for the 308
Bummer mate. It happens tho.
Sounds like a flesh wound to me if it dried up.
What bullet?
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Bummer alright.
In these situations don't give up.
Just keep going back to the last know blood splatter and keep making bigger and bigger circular sweeps until you find him ..... he won't be far.
Also wounded deer tend to sidle downhill, if the trial was heading down hill then he probably continued that way.
Go back next week if you can and you might be able to follow the smell by then.
This is when a dog is worth his weight in gold.
Better luck next time
Yup , thought that too but the first 100mtrs was strait down hill , the second 100 was strait up and then level for 100ish with drops maby 10-20 mtrs apart. gps looks like a bunch of lolly pops .
I honestly cant put into words how gutted I feel , but the Kaimais can do that too a guy.
If it was an SST or Amax I would have assumed a blow up. Don't know what hi lander use but I guess a lead tip bullet so doubt it was a projectile issue.
Could you see if the animal was struggling with its gait or footing by its marks while following it up?
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