RSTH episode last night RIVER CROSSINGS
I'm not one for extreme heights so have been known to suffer from sweaty palms in any movie or footage with some gnarly rock climbing in it.
And in last nights episode I was getting close to that watching the guys trying to get across the river for that deer recovery. A couple of times I was thinking WTF are you doing?! Go back!!!
Anyway, good bit of commentary from Dave there. Also the fact they spent a good few hours the next day getting back across AFTER spending the night out by a fire. Good reminder for all, especially the solo hunters.
I've spent a bit of time on boats and it's the same sort of thing. Really hard to stop second guessing whether you can handle it, accept the risks are against you and pull the pin to fight another day. All to easy to think, yeh I've survived something this bad before, should be ok this time.
Taker care out there people.