That rock pile track.
Roger Lentle was at the Rangi hut. And Alex and me. That evening Roger "educated" us on most things. It was pleasant, but one way.
The upshot was that when choosing our hunting areas he chose to go out the back somewhere near the Pari ridge and we said we would "hunt around the hut". His retort was "you wont get anything around the hut - and continued to educate us on the habits of deer and where they would be.
He headed off in the ungodly hours of the morning and we headed off not long before sun up towards the rock pile track and across to the creek faces under the hut.
Of course, I wouldn't be telling this story if Roger was successful and we were not.
He got back late, with nothing.
We got back early, with something (I cant remember exactly what we got - Alex shot it).
We never said a word about the track down through the leatherwood.
That evening was somewhat quieter than the previous one.