G'day, Im going to be in the BOP for work. Staying over next weekend and thinking of having a crack at Rusa.
Got a rough idea of where I might find one but if any of you locals can give me some tips, I'd appreciate it.
Cheers Tony![]()
G'day, Im going to be in the BOP for work. Staying over next weekend and thinking of having a crack at Rusa.
Got a rough idea of where I might find one but if any of you locals can give me some tips, I'd appreciate it.
Cheers Tony![]()
They will be in the steepest shittiest place you can find! If they are not there.. there is a steeper and shittier place than the one you found!
lol I assume that your going to Galatea, Pick a catchment...any catchment and climb to a good vantage point and watch the Manuka /Mahoe faces. Let the binos do the walking from there. They like the sun on a cold day and where there's Hinds a Stag will be lurking at this time of the year.
All else fails get the Murupara moonbeam out on the farm edges
Hi TonyR - what hayden c said, I,m heading up there next weekend to galatea hunting rusa I mite be able to point you to a few spots if you like, I,ve been going up there 3 seasons now so have seen a few, just haven,t been lucky enough to get a stag yet.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
I have my moments dundeeyes we,ll get there one day soon, howd ya like me dvd?
Thanks you guys. Galatea on Saturday was pretty much what I was thinking. I'm used to bush stalking Reds but I guess that doesn't work with Rusa in the scrub. Reckon I'm up to sitting and waiting. I'm not particularly interested in a trophy. What's the ethics on shooting hinds? Tony
Hi Tony if you’re wanting to shoot a hind then shoot one. There shouldn’t be any ethics one has to abide by so long as the animal is put to use.
Sitting and watching a promising area usually brings better results than trying to stalk them yes but that’s not to say it can’t be done. Rusa tend to favour the steeper slopes and will often ‘tunnel through’ patches of thick scrub that other species avoid making them difficult to stalk.
I’m not trying to sound like an expert but I do know few![]()
Good luck for future hunts and when you succeed be sure to do a write up to make me home sick!
Took a detour through Galatea on the way up. Think twoshotkill might have summed it up well.looks like steep shitty country. Am probably going to have a walk Saturday. Decided not to bring the rifle, couldn't be sure of it in the car or motel for two weeks. Probably a good idea, cause if I don't have a gun I'm bound to see some.