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Thread: Sika Roaring

  1. #1
    Member RichieRich's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Sika Roaring

    Hi Guys, i was wondering if anyone out there could help me out.

    After reading an article in 'NZ outdoor hunting', the author shot an 8point Sika Stag by stalking into the stags territory and using a AJ productions caller called him in.
    He 1st Mewed then hee hawed and the stag mewed back giving away his position, he did this several times and eventually shot his stag.
    So my question is why do Sika Mew?

    I know (roughly) that a single call is to say 'there is a hind on heat here and she's mine'
    And a hee haw is to say 'this is my territory so stay out'
    but why the Mew?

    And to really start some debates going, What combos do you find work best?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    i think from memory the mew puts the stag at ease,ive never heard the mew up close have only heard the hew haw and single call

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I have always believed the mew is also to do with a hind being in season, the only time i have ever heard the stags mewing are when they are in close proximity to a hind and are single calling aswell (i stand to be corrected though). The mew is awesome to hear, in near perfect conditions it can be heard from a reasonable distance, and each individual call will vary alot.

    I have roared many animals sometimes using only the mew, sometimes the single call and at other times i have used a combination of the single call and mew. I couldnt tell you which is better but i can assure you they all have there place and time.
    Last edited by Nick.m; 13-02-2013 at 04:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Member Druid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I have always thought less is more when it comes to calling Sika .

    The stag can identify the spot the call comes from and will often sneek in and circle to determine who the opposition is . When you are in the stag's territory, best near a scrape, call once or twice then move away from the spot you called from and back up to a down wind spot where the stag cant get behind you , then sit still and shut up and wait for up to an hour , keep an eye out for the slightest movement .
    Get as close as you can then six feet closer



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