@phillipo your da man, I’ll have a beer with you next year, even if I have to bring my ownBlahahahahahahaha wholy fuk has this thread made me laugh, I was planning on heading up to the show but unfortunaly work got in the way.
So seems like the show set up was far better than last year, these things take time to sort at new venues & glad to hear that all those poxy roof tents n stuff have been booted outside & people had a good time ( be nice if some photos were posted up ) but I gutted as by the sounds of it I missed out on a great old school piss up !!!
So I would love to know what the "story" is with this apparently appalling situation that occurred at the show , were there companies - vendors selling alcohol in sealed bottles or was there an actual open bar where such things as beer, wine or a whisky could be purchased & consumed while in the building ?
Oh GOD, won't someone please think of the Children
WTF is wrong with you cunts that are so offended by the sale of alcoholic beverages at the hunting n shooting show, it's not illegal, companies like Ruahine Ports have been a great supporter of the show for years & I hope there was an open bar there, nothing like catching up with someone you having seen for months, putting ya feet up, taking a break & having a cold one while chewing the fat.
Reminds me of the story a fulla posted on here a few months back, where he slipped down a bank, nearly ripped his leg off & spent the night on the hill, lucky to be found n pulled out the next day, you know what I remember from that story, he said that him & his mate had had a beer with lunch when they landed while coming up with a hunting plan & there was a small group of true fuk wits that jumped all over the poor prick, basically saying that it was him having a stubbie that caused the whole situation, like karma jumped up & got him.
I might look into have a bar at the next show, be great, jelly wrestling, Tequila shoots & wheelbarrows for true hardcore punters to be pushed around the show in hahahaha![]()