Sounds like no tahr over 14 and winning red 340 ish? I should have entered some heads ha ha
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Sounds like no tahr over 14 and winning red 340 ish? I should have entered some heads ha ha
Yeah just had a better look see the winner was 14 7/8 so that must of been mid to high 14
Oh wicked I was at the same table as you when you won it haha Definitely was a huge sika. Definitely annoying I had mine scored 3 times b4 taking it there so thought I was quite confident in the score, nevermind I was wrong but that's okay I'll go with the middle one
The official scorer hopefully has the most experience and got it right , there are subtle little nuisances when measuring lenghts of antler and tines that an entry level scorer won’t get 100% right and be out a inch or 2 easily .
NZDA have just built a data base for members that are scorers and what level they are at .
I’m a level one scorer (entry level and done 1 course) and you need to do alot of measuring with very experienced measurers to really get fine tuned on all the little details , takes alot of time and alot of the guys that know it all are getting on in age and need to pass the knowledge to the next generation.
If you’re in the NZDA put your hand up and do a course .
The NZDA guy who did mine is apparently known for being harsh on his scores. Didn’t bother me too much as it was an epic score regardless but the sika show score did give me a bit of a middle point to level out the different results. Have thought about going to another official scorer to see what they come up with but it doesn’t stress me enough to bother.
Have definitely looked at doing the course. One day when life settles, three little kids and too many hobbies keeps me busy enough lol.
Do they have categories for private and public land with regards to winning heads?
Absolutely incredible head @stagstalker regardless, I was taught to give the animal the benefit of the tape by Brian Whitton , he is the NZDA Norman Douglas Patron , everything is measured within 1/8" and when it is in between to round it up not round it down , if your a mean round it down guy that is going to effect the final measurement for sure , I have Jap that went 199DS so fell short of the 200 club , doesn't matter it's still awesome .
Yeah I hear ya , life is busy , will try do another course myself next year if I can .