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Thread: Sika Squeaks ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Sika Squeaks ??

    On a work related trip to the Taupo region I decided to take an extra day to have a look for a Sika Deer.
    Being a Northlander and not have the ease of opportunity to hunt deer, I usually focus on Reds with a reasonable amount of success.

    Have not target Sika in the bush for years, but decided to have crack.

    Result... no joy, however there were a few encounters with squeaking hinds.
    One encounter was when I had just come to the conclusion I should alter course due to moving in the same direction as the wind current.
    As I stood still and watched, waited and stared into every oriface of the under-canopy, a loud squeak erupted from cover about 50-60 metres to my right and directly downwind.
    There was no way of seeing anything around 50-60m, I had only about 15m visibility.
    At this point I decided, she's onto me, got my wind,,, game over, oh dear, how sad, never mind go hunt somewhere else... but I paused a little while longer.
    Two more squeaks from her quarter and then just as I was about to move away I heard light foot action to my left and spotted movement just ten metres away, followed by that distinct squeak.
    I could only make a silhouette amongst the growth and needed some head movement or an ear flick to confirm beyond doubt what I needed to know.
    And then as I was poised... more movement from another animal. Just below me a small animal scampers off. Her fawn,, another loud squeak from the hind, and with a quick stride she disappears.
    Honestly I'm not fussed that I did not shoot her, It was the learning experience that when a hind squeaks it may not necessarily be game over.

    Conclusion was, although she knew I was there, she was very uncomfortable with my proximate to her fawn and was ready to move in and let me know about it.
    I got the feeling I was being challenged.

    I wander how many other hunters here have had Sika Hinds give away there positions and/or reveal themselves or sneak in on the hunter??
    Micky Duck likes this.

  2. #2
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    I've shot a few Sika that have been squealing at me. Sometimes they do it when they have been startled but don't quite know what it is. If they keep squeallling but not moving off, it pays to SLOWLY move in on them. Can still be hard trying to pinpoint them in the pepperwood though. Binos help.

  3. #3
    Huk is offline
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    Sounds to me that she hadnt postively winded you or you would have got the big scream and she would have fu***d off screaming as she went fawn or not.The chirp you heard is generally, knows something is there or talking to her mate imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If she squealed and didn't run away she has heard you or just sensed something not quite right. The fact that she approached you means she isn't sure what has startled her. Sometimes they stalk around you trying to get your scent to confirm what startled them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Would have been a yearling. There's some bloody small ones. I've put a yearling in a small pikau before. Tuck the legs up under it and squeeze it in. The size of a big eye dog. Fawns a way off yet. 200 or so days I think.

  6. #6
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    Cheers @Chur Bay and @Huk I was aware the squeak/chirp was a warning call to all other deer to a threat, but do you think theY know precisely were that threat is or that when there is confusion to were the threat is, and uncertainty. Sort of heads up everybody troubles afoot just dont know where. I sort of got the idea I was being challenged.
    Huk likes this.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2015
    I have always thought that Sika like to confirm 2 senses, except smell, they are gone on that. I use a blow through caller that imitates the fawn, sucked a few animals in with that over the years.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2020
    Found this on ytube, not Sika, but asiatic deer all the same. watch how they react to clear threat, although no in hunt mod.
    kbrebs likes this.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGunn View Post
    I have always thought that Sika like to confirm 2 senses, except smell, they are gone on that. I use a blow through caller that imitates the fawn, sucked a few animals in with that over the years.
    Hmm.. interesting, gone with smell. The area I went gets a lot of pressure, I.'m pretty sure they would be fairly familiar with the electronic callers, need to learn calls the old way.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I stalked through some manuka once and right into a mob of sika hinds who were all talking to each other in low mews which was very cool then one came into view where she locked eyes with me... I managed to get a few photos until she sqealed and it was game over.

    Sometimes the sika will watch you and stand there being more inquisitive of you. I had a hind sqeal at me, run off then come back stand there in full view 15-20 metres away where she would sqeal, stamp her hooves, run off then come back and repeat. I stood there and eventually just talked to her saying "you'll get shot" before she eventually went off and i continued my hunt.

    It's encounters like what you've experienced which are memorable and live with you forever

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seventenths View Post
    I stalked through some manuka once and right into a mob of sika hinds who were all talking to each other in low mews which was very cool then one came into view where she locked eyes with me... I managed to get a few photos until she sqealed and it was game over.

    Sometimes the sika will watch you and stand there being more inquisitive of you. I had a hind sqeal at me, run off then come back stand there in full view 15-20 metres away where she would sqeal, stamp her hooves, run off then come back and repeat. I stood there and eventually just talked to her saying "you'll get shot" before she eventually went off and i continued my hunt.

    It's encounters like what you've experienced which are memorable and live with you forever
    Thats exactly the type of feedback I was hoping to hear, those up close interactions were you give them a chance to learn a little more about there mannerisms.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2014
    Yearling calling mum will do the same. Another trick is to hang a rag or hat on a branch and then retreat quietly do a wide circle to get above and downwind (easy when air is movei g uphill), then quietly sneak down on top of them. They will be unlikely to be looking uphill but be staring at the rag.
    Steve123 likes this.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  13. #13
    Member Mad_Fisho's Avatar
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    I don't mean to do a shameless plug of my video, but the below link has one of the coolest moments I've ever had hunting.
    At around 19min 30sec I spent an hour with 3 sika squealing away at me. I spent the first 45min trying to conceal myself and just get some footage, also hoping a stag calling nearby would come in. After 45 min I just stood in the open and they still trusted me enough for a further 15min until I eventually shooed them away because I wanted to chase stags.

    Earlier that morning a young sika hind walked out from behind some dense Horopito right in to about 5m from me as I was removing some layers, she squealed and bolted, then shortly after while I was talking to the camera she snuck right back in for a better look.

    Times like these make me really enjoy hunting the little buggers!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Mate, that was a great wee vid, looks like you had an awesome experience...
    well worth lugging bacon, pork chops and saucies over the hill, next time take a bigger fry pan.

  15. #15
    Member Mad_Fisho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trapperjohn View Post
    Mate, that was a great wee vid, looks like you had an awesome experience...
    well worth lugging bacon, pork chops and saucies over the hill, next time take a bigger fry pan.
    Thanks mate, was an awesome experience and a cool trip overall... Yeah we're big fans of eating well in the bush, probably get a bit carried away at times but it's all worth it.
    Cheers for watching!
    trapperjohn likes this.



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