I think the correct answer is who gives a shit, how are you going to carry a deer out the bush then if the weight of a rifle is hurting your feelings.
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I think the correct answer is who gives a shit, how are you going to carry a deer out the bush then if the weight of a rifle is hurting your feelings.
My god man, what components have you used? What profile and length barrel?
Ive just put together a Rem 700 LA (only mods is spiral fluted bolt) in a Hi-Tec CF stock with a factory Rem 26" 300 RUM barrel with a T2 brake on it, bare without rings or scope it weighs 6 Pounds 10 ounces, which is dead on 3kg.
I'm pretty sure (well in my case anyway) when the ageing thing starts to kick in you seem ti like less weight across the arm,shoulders or where ever.
When I was doin a lot of walking,climbing etc back when bla,bla I was far from alone when it came to rifle weight.
30's were heavy = cut down etc. Most smaller calibers .222 for example were within the not so heavy to lug around group and as mentioned above, depended on the manufacturer.
For example the early BSA lightweights were on the cards for sure, early Majestic's,Hunter models even Monarchs.
The Sako vixens were like gifts from heaven to many,ok'sh weight and nice to use lol. I carried a BSA Hunter, then a Monarch,they did the job. I ended my bla'bla days using a Brno Fox, chasing around after the Thar.
I guess when ones arse is literally dragging on the ground in later life then it may be time to own something light weight..that's my take on it.
Paulownia ;)
When your rifle carry arm stretches so much it now drags on the ground.
when the rifle weighs more than a full wood no4.
My Tikka 7mm08 comes in at 8.5lb with a gunworks can and 20" barrel and 4-16x Nikon monarch. Could easyily drop some weight on it by going to a 3.5-10x and still be able to do everything just as well but guess it comes down to what you are happy carrying. I don't have a spotter or good camera yet so like the extra mag on the scope for Animal evaluation.
Whatever's comfy. Don't need much more argument than that from hunter to hunter.