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Thread: Solo Outdoor Activities

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth
    The Germans are running 500000 tests a week when the French can barely do 5000 a day. You can see the differences in the results :
    France : 32000 cases 1995 deaths.
    Germany : 53000 cases 400 deaths.

    As soon as they can test and isolate they diminish the risk of spread notably to their older population I guess.

  2. #32
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    i can see it going further than 4 weeks isnt a vaccine a small dose of the virus we have the virus
    There is a method a bit like this which I think is older than vaccines - docs can use some blood from someone who has had the virus and recovered therefore has the antibodies
    Nowadays they clean it up and just use the platelets but it is still the same sort of thing* so you're not wrong

    *My medical knowledge is limited at best so the details may be wrong but I believe that they use platelets because whole blood can get rejected for being the wrong type eg ABnegative etc The original idea was to hook up a cured person to a crook person and hope for the best

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    i can see it going further than 4 weeks isnt a vaccine a small dose of the virus we have the virus
    I think 4 weeks of lock down not enough,maybe a couple of more months.We havnt got all the tourists out yet and we got to stop people coming into this country after all the kiwis are back.We really have got to tighten this country down and rid of this virus some how.Its going to take a long time,could be a year or 2 even.
    Seeing the death rates over seas every day is mind boggling and so sad.Take care out there.
    bigbear likes this.

  4. #34
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trout View Post
    I think 4 weeks of lock down not enough,maybe a couple of more months.We havnt got all the tourists out yet and we got to stop people coming into this country after all the kiwis are back.We really have got to tighten this country down and rid of this virus some how.Its going to take a long time,could be a year or 2 even.
    Seeing the death rates over seas every day is mind boggling and so sad.Take care out there.
    if its more than a month (or 2) the counrty won't recover in our lifetimes.
    On the positive side the road toll will be going down, Minimal new injuries for ACC to pay for, Hospitals will be getting a break from all the alcohol related "jobs" they have to patch up. Whats not too like. Po Po will be happy to be in total control, No need to spend money on things like roading and transport as with everyone all tucked up at home its not needed
    Maybe we should just carry on like this..................................a well controlled population is a safe compliant one, thats what Cindy will be thinking....................after all its for our own good!
    superdiver likes this.

  5. #35
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    not solo activities its going to take two but whats the baby boom going to be like in 9months
    Friwi likes this.

  6. #36
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Yes. And likely this won't be the only lock down. Gov will use the lock down mechanism to control the curve to keep hospitalised numbers manageable. I think.

    Until a vaccine.
    Woods223 & Tahr are onto it I believe. Its all about controlling the rate of infection, it's not going to go away at all. Our borders will have to be closed permanently for that to happen!
    We'll go the 4 weeks, back to level 3 with border lock down for a further 6-8 weeks and get the economy rolling again. As Mikee said, the country will struggle to get on its feet if prolonged. Trump the ruthless bastard, could foresee this with the American economy.

    Back to the OP. I was of firm mind that I was still going solo hunting regardless of the lock down, that's my pigheaded selfish attitude rising to the fore. When I sat down and considered the fact that if the unlikely occurred and I needed to use my PLB to get my sorry arse off the hill, I would be the biggest cnut under the sun, putting valuable medical people at risk and setting a very poor example of a responsible hunter & firearms owner, nothing less.

    I do not want to be that person....do you?
    ebf, mikee, MB and 1 others like this.



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