Just been to Lords river Andrew. Its quite a way from where you are going though. Think the whitetail behaviour should be similar. They're tricky little buggers for sure. Not being one to sit on my arse for long periods I found the best way to hunt them was move in from bush edge and as soon as you see sign slow right down . They seem to be in the small open patches in good open bush areas that get a little sun. Usually have crown fern close. Find bush that is good , that you can see a way through. If theres no sign dont stay there , look for hotspots. When you find them ,just sit and lean against a tree or whatever. Theyre sneaky, small and bloody quiet. These areas are quite often close to the beach / hut or whatever. Found there was more movement/ action after a good rain , take GPS , we used Topo 50 s but still got mucked up,haha. Happy hunting/ fishing , its an amazing place.