@Ryan_Songhurst @bigbear very low hunting pressure. ie im pretty much the only human with in 1km
@Ryan_Songhurst @bigbear very low hunting pressure. ie im pretty much the only human with in 1km
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/
That sounds like hunting heaven to me...
Where we go locally on doc the last time we were there we arrived at the hut and within two hours six more hunters turned up wanting to hunt same area. Bit nerve wracking that when you're sneaking through the bush and here a twig snap and think was that an animal or am I about to get shot at.... We obviously has a meeting to discuss who went in which direction but around there you never know how many others will turn up while out on the hill who don't know you're already there.
born to hunt - forced to work
Honestly mate it is. I'd pay just to have access to some private land purely for my , and the missus's , sanity as she paranoid I will get filled with holes one of these days...
born to hunt - forced to work
cheeky shit theres too much supplejack to be any closer lol. the closet humans to where i was would be the baitline guys, the odd pig hunter but his tracks stopped 1 1/2 hours before this area im the only one hunting there and im there 8 hours in a week. i would say thats low pressure. i dont have a nest like your spot. after 2 months of learning the area this is the first time i have encountered deer which are 1 km east as the crow flies of where i started to learn the area.
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/